My Philosophy
If you’re reading this, there’s an enormously high likelihood that you want to change what your body is capable of.
Everything in nature has a natural rhythm, a circadian rhythm and if respected, keeps us in a nice homeostatic balance. If that rhythm is not respected, we will suffer spiritually mentally and physically as we have started to notice.
Their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skilful, enduring, resistant and yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics, but whilst observing their lives in nature, Georges Hebert was impressed by the physical development and movement skills of indigenous peoples in Africa and elsewhere:
This is where we start: movewitheze uses everything we known so far:
"Être fort pour être utile" ("Being strong to be useful"). Georges Hebert
Use it or lose it! Your body with aways become what you do, if you practice not moving, you will be a master of that, practice movement and move with eze :)