Shoulder Pain Treatment In London
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. The joint relies on other tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia) to help stabilise itself, particularly during movement. Shoulder pain can happen because of inflammation, trauma to these tissues as well as bony structures.
Shoulder pain and injuries are one the most common problems we treat in our London clinic; we use our non invasive manual techniques with rehab to help manage the pain and get you back to feeling normal again.
Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain we work with include:
Rotator Cuff issues including Tendinitis
AC Joint problems
Frozen Shoulder
Labrum Issues
Bicep Tendon Issues
Pinched Nerve Problems
Contact us now to see how we can help you.
We are here to help you improve the way your body feels. Feel free to contact us to discuss your individual needs.