Be the architect of your habits, here are my 5 health hacks for 2023
This week, apparently, is when most people quit on their New Year Resolutions. But if you don’t want to be one of them and need inspiration to improve your heath, here’s my tips;
1) The One Percent Rule
Build a system whereas you get just 1% better every day. Science shows us that to succeed in a new habit, it’s essential to start easy; after all, that 1% better each day adds up and you end up being 30% better each month! It won’t impact you very much today but, with time, the small improvements and better decisions make bigger long lasting impacts. It could also just mean doing more of what already works or avoiding tiny losses, like missing workouts or eating unhealthy foods.
Mine is adding a 5mins mediation / breath awareness moment before bedtime or first thing in the morning, as it brings calm and a quieter mind to end or start my day. I also do a gratitude list daily with a 5mins quiet time to set good intentions and guidance for the day, which helps me feel and see things differently.
2) Walks Outdoors
We know the long list of health benefits and I would add, don’t take your phone with you. You’ll have less distraction and more time to fully be in the moment. It re-sets my body’s natural body clock (circadian rhythms) and always makes me feel a certain way. It’s making that time for you, a partner, friend, colleague to connect in your outdoor environment.
3) Measuring Backward
We often measure goals by looking forward, set milestones and goals for our progress, and predict the future. But, as one of my favourite authors says, measuring backwards allows your decisions based on what has already happened, not what you want to happen.
So, for example, what you ate last week, what you did last week… just do a bit better or a bit more this week. If you met 2 new people last week or clients, this week introduce or meet/book in 3 clients. And, change your mindset to feeling, living breathing and making decisions based on what has already happened. You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect the dots looking backwards.
4) Face fears
Overcoming fear can be hugely satisfying and very rewarding, so go on, think about what you’re fearful of and face it head on.
This was a big one for me, as I got so much anxiety from these situations speaking/ teaching in public, and thinking I was not being strong enough, nimble enough, clever enough. But now I see fear as a sign that I’m moving in the right direction, and I have had more growth in these times.
5) Remember Your WHY
Reminding yourself why you want to do what you want to do. For example, why you want to stay fit/healthy. Was it for mindset, to be a healthy parent, lose pounds, avoid health conditions or injury, beat a record? It’s your purpose and direction, your North Star. Remembering your why can keep you going when you may not feel on top of it all and allows you to let go of what isn’t serving that purpose.
And finally, a couple of truly inspirational authors that have helped me along the way, Bob Proctor (Change Your Paradigm) and James Clear. Check out their books!
If you want to create healthy habits so as to reach your specific goals and be pain free, contact us now for a free no obligation assessment. We will work out a road map to getting you back to feeling like you again.
Have a great year,