Have You Been Told Your Glutes Aren’t Firing? Try This Exercise.

Glutes are the biggest muscle group in the body and are made up of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus; they stabilise the lower back and protect the hips. Glutes are fundamental when it comes to walking and running.


When they are not working well, you get a tight lower back and hip flexors, which can lead to more tension at the front of the pelvis and other areas.


The gluteus maximus and hamstrings are the primary muscles that extend the hip, so why when you are given exercises like clams or glute bridges to strengthen them, you are not getting results?


It could be because of your foot pressure; you may not be applying the right pressure that then allows the glute to fire. You want to work on using your foot pressure to avoid your hip, knee and back extending too quickly. 


The slouch exercise can help you fire your glutes functionally and help you run/ walk better.


By rounding the back and tucking the chin, your back and your neck relax. Make sure your weight is now onto the mid-foot while your knee is slightly bent. Completely let go of your head and your back, while keeping your knee slightly bent, and reach for the floor. You can add stability by making sure your mid-foot is pushing into the floor as you go down. Once you’ve reached down, come back up again pushing your mid foot and making sure your knee stays bent.

 Click image to watch video.

You can use this exercise as a warm up before you train, or as part of your rehab, or include it into your daily tasks like when you’re picking things up from the floor. 

Get in touch if you’re having trouble with your back or knee pain and you’re not having any success with your glutes working.