How Too Much Internet & Social Media Creates Stress & Anxiety & Stops You From Achieving Your Goals

In today's fast-paced digital age, our ability to achieve our goals is more intertwined with technology than ever before; over exposure to online content can negatively impact our nervous system with the constant stream of information we get from social media, news websites, and various digital platforms. This can also increase your stress and anxiety levels, as well as have an impact on your sleep patterns.


Our brains are constantly multitasking while shifting through all that content and therefore our attention spam diminishes. According to researchers, this leads to poorer cognitive performance as it shrinks parts of the brain associated with maintaining concentration.

While staying informed and connected is undoubtedly important, over exposure can therefore have a profound impact on our ability to achieve our goals. Learning to manage online content can be a crucial survival skill to improve your focus and mental wellbeing.

Time Drain - Perhaps the most obvious impact is the amount of time it can eat away. Scrolling through endless news feeds, social media timelines, as well as comment sections can easily turn into hours lost each day, a time that could be better spent working towards your goals, whether they are personal or professional.

Reduced Focus - Maintaining focus is essential for achieving any goal, and mindlessly scrolling becomes a distraction that pulls your attention away from your tasks. The quick dopamine hit from checking notifications or scrolling through posts can disrupt your concentration and make it challenging to complete important tasks.

Negative Influence - Social media and news platforms are designed to keep you engaged, often by sensationalising information or promoting divisive content. Exposure to negative news or constant comparisons with others' achievements can lead to feelings of inadequacy and demotivation, hindering your progress towards your goals and also create unnecessary anxiety.

Information Overload - The sheer volume of information available on the internet can be overwhelming and challenging to filter out what is relevant to your goals. This, ultimately, can lead to decision fatigue, information paralysis and heightened stress levels.

So, what can you do?

  • Set Boundaries

    Establish dedicated periods for checking your newsfeed and stick to them. Avoid mindlessly scrolling during work hours or before bed. Setting clear boundaries can help you regain control of your time and, crucially, of your focus.

  • Curate Your Content

    Customise your newsfeed to prioritise content that aligns with your interests and goals. Unfollow accounts or mute keywords that consistently provide distractions or negativity. By curating your feed, you can create a more positive and purposeful digital environment.

  • Practice Mindfulness and Breathwork

    Before diving into your newsfeed, take a moment to assess your intentions and create focus. Start your day with box breathing; conscious breathwork helps you to regulate and keep the nervous system in balance and bring back feelings of calmness. This will also help you shift your state from being in a fight or flight mode to rest and digest; by default, it will also help you improve your sleep. Being mindful of your goals and emotions can help you navigate online content more purposefully.

  • Stay Informed, Not Overwhelmed

    Choose reliable sources for news and information. Limit your exposure to sensationalised or biased content. Seek a balanced perspective to stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.

At Move with Eze, we follow a holistic approach to treatment by not just looking at the physical stressors but also emotional stressors which may be leading to your stress and anxiety.

If you are struggling with stress and anxiety which is affecting your sleep and your life in general, do give us a call to see how we can help.

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